Collecting Vintage Cartier Jewelry and Objects – Apr 4, 2023 (Tue 7:15-8:15pm)

GIAAA HK is honored to invite vintage jewelry dealer Mr. Gilles Zalulyan again, to host a hybrid seminar on collecting vintage Cartier jewelry and objects. Gilles will share with us tips and styles of Cartier from 1900s until the 1970’s. Limited seats available in person, but webinar also available online.

The seminar will be in a hybrid format as members may choose to attend physically at the GIA Hong Kong Campus, or digitally via Zoom. (Webinar will be conducted in English with no translation.)

Date: 4th April 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:15pm – 8:15pm (Registration @GIA at 7pm)
Venue: GIA Hong Kong Campus (Physical Attendance)
3rd Floor, New World Tower II, 18 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Zoom link will be sent upon registration (Digital Connection)
Please register via the link below or QR code:

Registration is FREE but number of participants to attend in-person will be limited and priority for members.
Once capacity is reached, a Zoom link will be sent. Please register before 1st April, 2023. Upon registration, Zoom details will be sent to you upon confirmation by 3rd April, 2023. All cancellations for IN-PERSON attendance must be received by GIAAAHK before 11:59pm on 1st April 2023.